Nun liegt die jüngste Eskalation des Nahost-Konflikts, der ~ 2000 Palästinenser das Leben kostete und ~ 100.000 wohnungslos machte, schon etwas zurück.
Amnesty International prangern israelische Kriegsverbrechen an.
Israeli forces displayed 'callous indifference' in deadly attacks on family homes in Gaza
"Israeli forces have killed scores of Palestinian civilians in attacks targeting houses full of families which in some cases have amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International has disclosed in a new report on the latest Israeli operation in the Gaza Strip.
Families under the Rubble: Israeli attacks on inhabited homes details eight cases where residential family homes in Gaza were attacked by Israeli forces without warning during Operation Protective Edge in July and August 2014, causing the deaths of at least 104 civilians including 62 children. The report reveals a pattern of frequent Israeli attacks using large aerial bombs to level civilian homes, sometimes killing entire families."…ily-homes-gaza-2014-11-05